Monday, May 30, 2011

Irresistable Temptation / SUBURBIA

You really shouldn’t, but I think you might; let go of your willpower and give up the fight. Take a piece and pass it around, sweet shackles of icing keep Suburbia bound. Confectionary delights whipped into feverish peaks, but after the party counting calories for weeks.


  1. Now I seriously want a piece of cake. I love this post (and I know I'm not impartial) but this turned out to be one of my favorites. We haven't posted my top favorite just yet but this one makes me think of how American's are constantly told they are too fat and our food is killing us then you turn on your TV and someone cute and entertaining is literally teaching us how to make that very food the media considers poison. You just know the Food Network is geared toward the Suburban brain convincing half their viewers that just because they can follow the directions and make a raspberry reduction sauce they must also be a gourmet. Middle America has a serious love, hate, guilt issue with decadent food and the sinful nature of "Cake" illustrates the point. Four beautiful drool inducing cakes. I can see the knife cutting down as someone guilt propels them to say something cliche like, "Oh just a little sliver for me..." because they can't resist and hate themselves with every sweet bite.
