Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Forever Young (more Suburban Tales)

Be like me. Wake up and see. 
A plastic model manufactured being all that you can be.

Suburban dreams can be gleaned through golden strands of perfection woven like silk through the spirits of their daughter’s plastic reflection.  Little girl pieces made from molds and plasticized parts but the dreams are surface deep without the beat of her fabricated heart. The rules of life are learned behind the aesthetics of fantasy replacing the disappointment of reality with the preferably fake. The Suburban girl should never grow up; never chip, disappoint, question, or break.  

1 comment:

  1. One of the things I like most about this particular photo is how it was taken and I hope Stephanie doesn't mind if I tell it. We were walking toward Venice Beach and in the middle of the sidewalk was this stroller and the doll at the end of a drive way where the residents were wrapping up the end of a yard sale. Stephanie pulled our walkin' legs over and began asking about the doll, low and behold it was a prototype based on a little girl who came walking down the drive way toward her mini-little self. It was strange to see a plastic ideal being modeled off of a real ideal rather then the other way around.
