Monday, January 14, 2013

Paris demonstrations against same sex marriage

Of Mommy + Daddy and Mommy + Mommy and Daddy + Daddy and so on...

I'm not gay, nor have I ever experimented with homosexuality, but because I have a lot of gay friends who I love dearly, I felt personally affected by these protests and demonstrations against same sex marriage in France last Sunday.

Growing up in a very religious home, I was raised to view mariage as sacred and homosexuality as a perverted sin and an evil diversion from the way human beings were created and built to function sexually. From this point of view, I can see how many people feel that saying a same sex mariage is ok is saying homosexuality is ok, and then explaining this to our children is somehow all very wrong. But as I grew up, my parents divorced and had sex with other people outside of marriage (a HUGE sin for the deeply religious) and I myself had sex before marriage, and so I came to realize that life is not black and white, it's a whole rainbow of colors.

Working as an adult in the creative fields of cinema and art, I have made many homosexual friends. I spent all day Sunday thinking about many of these friends and I realized most of them have been living with their partners in a mutually loving and respectful relationship for many, many years. Aside from the issue of children, the main difference I have observed between my gay and my straight friends living together are that my gay friends tend to have better taste in fashion and spotless well lit home decor. My gay friends also tend to very much enjoy doing "homey" wholesome things such as cooking together and cuddling in front of a movie.

There was a time when interracial marriage was frowned upon, but we evolved and got over that. I have a good friend who made a baby in a test tube and lives with her child as a single mother. There are cultures and religions where a man lives with multiple wives. I could go on and on.

What it comes down to for me personally, I'm not the Pope so I will let the church decide about how they feel about homosexuals and the sacredness of a wedding under God.  But as far as a CIVIL same sex wedding, well I really don't see what the big problem is. I'm for keeping Church and State clearly separate. As for same sex couples having children, I say the same thing I say to my straight friends who are unable to procreate: ADOPT!! Adopt a child in need, it's one of the most beautiful things you can do in life. If more gay mariages lead to more children being adopted and hence less suffering in the world, then that's a really GOOD thing! And as for explaining to the children why they have two Mommies or two Daddies, I know some children already in this situation that seem quite happy qnd well adjusted. What matters most to children is a home where they feel loved and secure. If in addition to this their parents who cook well, keep the place clean and orderly, and dress their kid's with a certain fashion sense, well so much the better!!

I'm not one for talking politics, so I hope I've made sense.